Sunday 11 May 2014

HELP, inexperienced blogger on the loose!

I'm going to be honest, this is all very very new. I'm not even sure how people get to to read this, or if i'm even publishing on to the web yet?! Do people have to directly search for this or will it just come up randomly on someones google search (I hope so) who knows... all I know is that I've always wanted to do this. I've called this blog 'Laura's Life' because I didn't want to fix myself to one subject to write about! If I find something I want to rave about, give advice about and share, I'll do it. I'm a huge foody but I also believe in balance, so fitness and monitoring calories is also who I am. I'm always looking for beauty tips that will help me at any occasion and I listen to music ALL THE TIME. So I'm a bit all over the place really, but hopefully it will turn out alright. Talk to me people, tell me what to do!! I need all the help I can get :)
Love Laura x

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